Tutti Fruity Gives Back

As a woman owned and run business, we believe every individual deserves the right to make their own decisions about their body and the access to medical care they need or want. Our bodies, our choice.

10% of all launch day sales of Tutti Fruity will benefit the following local organizations:

LIFT Louisiana

 Education, advocacy, and litigation on behalf of Louisiana women and their families (@liftlouisiana) liftlouisiana.org

New Orleans Abortion Fund

Provides funding, resources, and compassionate support to individuals seeking medical care across the Gulf South (@nolaabortionfund) neworleansabortionfund.org

Reproductive Justice Action Collective

A network of Southern activists, REJAC provides a wide network of local resources, including free emergency contraceptives, while lifting the voices of all Southerners, POC, and LGBTQ within the framework of reproductive health care. (@rejacnola) rejacnola.org